
【岭美展讯】以”述”为引 ——胡一川六件经典作品的“现场”


支持单位:中国国家博物馆 上海鲁迅纪念馆 太行干部学院

学术支持:尚辉 樊林
空间设计:杨茵 崔峻景
展览执行:吴蕙儿 张静仪 区苑琳 洪嘉慧 林彩仪

本次展览以“口述胡一川”为出发点,围绕胡一川的六件经典作品——《饥民 》《到前线去》《军民合作》《攻城》《开镣》《见矿》展开。这六件作品贯穿胡一川的一生,代表其艺术人生的关键节点,也是20世纪中国美术的重要现场。我们通过梳理胡一川的日记、文章手稿、历史照片、革命文物、文献出版物、画稿、速写等,以及围绕作品背景编辑整合的口述视频,尝试采用视听叙事的展览方式,尽可能地还原六件经典作品的“现场”。

现代口述历史先驱保罗·汤普森(Paul Thompson)提出,“口述历史给了孩子们、学生们,或者说年轻人,一个理解过去发生的事情的机会”。 展览尝试依据“口述历史”的研究逻辑,展现胡一川个人的艺术追求与家国命运相互交织的情境,以及波澜起伏的20世纪中国美术横截面,尽可能还原历史现场,帮助21世纪的青年靠近、理解胡一川的时代。展览思路及空间逻辑皆以胡一川六件经典作品为中心,配合相关历史文献和口述视频,重构六个重要的美术现场,展开经典作品创作所处时代和相关人文历史的视听叙事,以多元角度立体地诠释“经典”,为年轻观者提供重读革命美术经典的多维观展体验。


The Hu Yichuan Orality Project launched in 2013 by Hu Yichuan Research Institute, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts has amassed a large and valuable collection, including interviews of 80 acquaintances of Hu Yichuan, mostly scholars and artists, oral record transcription of more 700,000 words, footage of 90 hours, and nearly a hundred pieces of historical documents, all bearing witness to the various stages of Hu’s life as an artist, and presenting a treasure of research information on Hu and China’s art history of 20th century. Among the Interviewed are Yang Jun, who sold New Year pictures with Hu in the anti-Japanese base, Xu Beihong’s wife, Liao Jingwen, who knitted sweaters for Hu’s daughter in Beijing, He Jingzhi who attended Chairman Mao’s speech as a student of the Lu Xun Art Academy, Deng Yue and Feng Zhen who sang La Marseillaise with Hu at North China University, Hou Yimin, a member of the underground party in Peiping who received the students from North China University, Lin Gang who modeled for Breaking of the Chains; Wu Nansheng who met Hu Yichuan after arriving Yan’an with Huang Junshan, and many young teachers of  Central South China Fine Arts School including Yang Zhiguang, Yuanhao, Guo Shaogang, and Chen Jinzhang, who marked the art and literature circle in the vicissitude of the 20th century of China.

Paul Thompson, a pioneer of modern oral history, stated that oral history provides children, students, or young people an opportunity to understand what happened in the past. Based on the philosophy of “oral history”, the exhibition attempts to present how Hu Yichuan’s artistic pursuit was interweaved into the destiny of his country, and unveil the rich dynamism of art in the 20th-century China, while faithfully restoring the historical scene with the hope that this will help our younger generation to approach and understand Hu’s time. The logic and spatial arrangement of the exhibition are centered on Hu’s six masterpieces which form the framework of six reconstructed major art scenes, fleshed out with relevant historical archives and interview footages. This combination of artworks displayed alongside with the audio-visual narratives from the period of works’ birth provides a full interpretation of the  “classics” and creates a multi-dimensional experience for the younger generation to appreciate the jewels of revolutionary art.

Here we pay tribute to all narrators of history with “Orality as a Lead: Contextualizing Six Works by Hu Yichuan” !
Xiao ShanShan
December , 2019


《饥民 》,1930年,杭州,黑白木刻,尺寸不详





